Book-related web sites

If you need more help finding something to read and can't wait until you can come in and ask one of our librarians, there are many web sites that can help. Or if you just want to discuss the book you just finished, figure out the title of a book you heard about (but only know the subject of), or be notified of new releases or upcoming books, they're great for that, too.



WorldCat is a combined catalog that provides worldwide coverage of books, journals, CDs, videos, web resources, and other materials from libraries worldwide, and shows you which are in libraries near you. WorldCat can be searched by subject, title, author, and keyword.

Items found via WorldCat that are not in our library collection can be ordered through interlibrary loan for a fee.

What's Next

What's Next

The What's Next™: Books in Series database helps you search series fiction. Search by author, title, or series name and get a simple, enumerated list of every book in a series. Exactly what you wanted!



"LibraryThing is an online service to help people catalog their books easily. You can access your catalog from anywhere — even on your mobile phone. Because everyone catalogs together, LibraryThing also connects people with the same books, comes up with suggestions for what to read next, and so forth." [from their site]

LibraryThing is a social network for readers and bibliophiles; it has tags, reviews, shared information on books, discussion forums, and lots of pet projects like famous people's libraries, and funny statistics (how tall would all your books be if you stacked them?).



"Goodreads is the world’s largest site for readers and book recommendations. Their mission is to help people find and share books they love." [from their site]

GoodReads is another social network for readers and book-lovers; it has reviews, discussion forums, trivia, quizzes, and plenty of features integrating it with other social media networks like Facebook and Twitter. [Goodreads is owned by Amazon]

Fantastic Fiction

Fantastic Fiction

Having trouble finding out what book comes next in that series your reading? Look no further! Fantastic Fiction is a fantastic source of information to help you with the order of books in a series, author info, and forthcoming titles from your favorite writers. Fantastic Fiction houses bibliographies for over 30,000 authors, and information on over 350,000 books.



FreshFiction is a that provides easy, accessible, and informative data on current authors and their available books. It specializes in genre fiction: romance, mystery, suspense, thrillers, horror, science fiction, fantasy, contemporary, graphic and action novels. consists of author pages, book pages, reviews, columns, blog, book reviews, news, and contests.

FreshFiction also offer daily newsletters for several genres and for books featured on TV and radio programs.



Besides the main site of, the Book Report network also offers ReadingGroupGuides, a site dedicated to showcasing books that book clubs would find interesting.

The Book Report Network sites offer thoughtful book reviews, compelling features, author profiles and interviews, excerpts of the hottest new releases, contests, email newsletters, and more every week. Features include Bookreporter Bets On, New in Paperback, Books On Screen, and spotlights in genres such as Mystery, Thriller, Romantic Suspense, Historical Fiction, Women’s Fiction and Literary Fiction.

Books on the Air

Books on the Air

An overview of talked-about books and authors. Previews hot releases for the coming week, as well as recent TV and radio appearances by authors, and lists books featured on popular TV shows such as Today, Good Morning America, CBS This Morning, Ellen, The View, Dr. Oz, and others, and books featured on various National Public Radio shows.