Interlibrary Loan FAQs

Interlibrary Loan FAQs

What is an Interlibrary Loan (ILL)?
A process which allows libraries to borrow materials from other libraries.
What can be requested?
Books, journal articles, microfilm, and audio/visual materials*
*Audio/visual materials are rarely lent by other libraries, but we are always willing to try.
How do I go about requesting an ILL?
Fill out an interlibrary loan form, which is available at the Circulation Desk. You must have a current Poquoson Public Library card.
How long does it take?
This depends on how difficult the item is to find and how far away we have to order it from, but it generally takes approximately 2-4 weeks.
Is there a charge?
YES. The patron is responsible for postage to send the item back to the lending library. Generally this is around $2.50 but can be more depending on the material. In addition, some libraries have a fee for loaning materials. We always ask the patron if they will accept this fee before the material is sent.
How long do I get to keep the item?
The time you may keep an ILL is determined by the lending library. The due date will be printed on the sleeve on the front of the book.
Can I renew an ILL?
MAYBE. The lending library decides whether or not renewals are allowed. Please contact the Reference Librarian at least 5 days before the item is due to give us time to request a renewal.